keyword: temperature – 164 free books.
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Biomass and Waste Conversion and Valorization to Chemicals, Energy and Fuels
José A.P. Coelho and Roumiana P. Stateva, editors
Design and Fabrication of Micro/Nano Sensors and Actuators, Volume II
Weidong Wang et al. (editors)
Abiotic Stresses in Plants: From Molecules to Environment
Martin Bartas (editor)
Battery Management in Electric Vehicles: Current Status and Future Trends
Prodip K. Das (editor)
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Based Methods and Applications
Adrian Sergiu Darabant and Diana-Laura Borza, editors
Next Generation Energy and Propulsion Systems for Transportation Electrification
Jinhao Meng et al. (editors)
Preharvest and Postharvest Factors Improving Horticultural Crops Quality and Shelf-Life
Yang Bi et al. (editors)
Evaluation and Prevention of Mycotoxin Contamination and Toxicological Effects
Houda Berrada and María José Ruiz Leal, editors
A Themed Issue in Memory of Academician Zhu Yingguo (1939-2017)
Yuxian Zhu et al. (editors)
Advances in Biocompatible and Biodegradable Polymers II
José Miguel Ferri et al. (editors)
Antioxidants in Animal Production, Reproduction, Health and Welfare
Youssef A. Attia et al. (editors)
Horticultural Plants Facing Stressful Conditions - Ways of Stress Mitigation
Agnieszka Hanaka et al. (editors)