keyword: thema EDItEUR::1 Place qualifiers::1D Europe::1DS Southern Europe::1DST Italy – 19 free books.
These books are available in PDF format - good for desktops, printing.
Italia ed Europa centro-orientale tra Medioevo ed Età moderna
Andrea Fara (editor)
Natural Law and the Law of Nations in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Italy
Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina and Gabriella Silvestrini, editors
Miguel José López-Guadalupe Pallarés
Konradin (1252–1268)/ Corradino di Svevia (1252–1268)
Giovanni VITOLO and Vera Isabell Schwarz-Ricci, editors
Kulturna dediščina med Alpami in Krasom = L'eredità culturale fra Alpi e Carso
Saša Poljak Istenič (editor)
Razvijanje medkulturne zmožnosti pri učiteljih in učencih
Klara Kožar Rosulnik et al.
Fiabe resiane = Rezijanske pravljice = Pravice po rozajanskin
Roberto Dapit and Milko Matičetov, editors
Macchiabate I. Ausgrabungen in der Nekropole von Francavilla Marittima, Kalabrien, 2009-2016
Martin A. Guggisberg and Camilla Colombi, editors