keyword: thema EDItEUR::3 Time period qualifiers::3M c 1500 onwards to present day – 446 free books.
Literary Citizenship in Scandinavia in the Long Eighteenth Century
Ruth Hemstad et al. (editors)
Reimagining the Globe and Cultural Exchange: The East Asian Legacies of Matteo Ricci's World Map
Laura Hostetler (editor)
Gender and Cultural Mediation in the Long Eighteenth Century
Mónica Bolufer et al. (editors)
Private Libraries and their Documentation, 1665–1830
Rindert Jagersma et al. (editors)
Natural Law and the Law of Nations in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Italy
Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina and Gabriella Silvestrini, editors
Manuscript Albums and their Cultural Contexts
Janine Droese and Janina Karolewski, editors
Vernacular Books and Their Readers in the Early Age of Print (c. 1450–1600)
Anna Dlabačová et al. (editors)
Defining the Identity of the Younger Europe
Miroslawa Hanusiewicz-Lavallee and Robert Aleksander Maryks, editors