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TheMA - Open Access Research Journal for Theatre, Music, Arts, Vol I/1
Michael Huettler et al. (editors)
Tatjana Markovic (editor)
Tatjana Markovic (editor)
Tatjana Markovic (editor)
Belonging, Detachment and the Representation of Musical Identities in Visual Culture
Antonio Baldassarre and Arabella Teniswood-Harvey, editors
Ludwig Senfl: Motets For Six and Eight Voices, Canons
Scott Lee Edwards et al. (editors)
Michael Huettler et al. (editors)
The Routledge Companion to Butoh Performance
Bruce Baird and Rosemary Candelario, editors
Remapping the Cold War in Asian Cinemas
Sangjoon Lee and Darlene Espena, editors
Performing the Eighteenth Century
Magnus Tessing Schneider and Meike Wagner, editors