keyword: thema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AM Architecture::AMG Architecture: public, commercial and industrial buildings – 36 free books.
Spatial Building Typology (Volume 2) Vacant Heritage
Lucca Fischer et al. (editors)
Des ponts et des villes : histoires d’un patrimoine urbain
Sylvain Schoonbaert (editor)
Die Kunstdenkmäler des Kantons Basel-Landschaft V
Richard Buser and Axel Christoph Gampp
Les Monuments d'art et d'histoire du canton du Valais VIII
Chantal Amman-Doubliez et al.
The Covert Life of Hospital Architecture
Julie Zook and Kerstin Sailer, editors
Guía de lecturas sobre planeación de edificios para bibliotecas
Ario Garza Mercado
Beyond the Institution: Transforming the Learning Environment in Architectural Education
Architekturfakultät der Technischen Universität Graz (editor)
Re-manufacturing networks for tertiary architectures
Mediterranean Urban Campus for Regeneration at the Dubai 2020 Expo
Filippo ANGELUCCI and Antonio BASTI, editors