keyword: thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNF Educational strategies and policy – 243 free books.
Indigenous Early Career Researchers in Australian Universities
Michelle Trudgett et al. (editors)
Twenty Years of Education Transformation in Gauteng 1994 to 2014
Feliz Maringe and Martin Prew, editors
Empowering At-Risk Youth in and Through Vocational Education
Vidmantas Tūtlys et al. (editors)
Blickpunkt Bildungsmonitoring – Bilanzen und Perspektiven
Andrea Albers and Nina Jude, editors
Legal Education Through an Indigenous Lens
Nicole Watson and Heather Douglas, editors
Weißbuch Lehrkräftefortbildung
Peter Daschner and Dieter Schoof-Wetzig, editors
Lernwege und Aneignungsformen im Sachunterricht
Diethard Cech and Hans J. Schwier, editors
Transforming Leadership Pathways for Humanities Professionals in Higher Education
Roze Hentschell and Catherine E. Thomas, editors
Improving National Education Systems After COVID-19
Nuno Crato and Harry Anthony Patrinos