keyword: thema EDItEUR::P Mathematics and Science::PH Physics – 18 free books.
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Fractional Calculus and its Applications in Physics
Dumitru Baleanu and Devendra Kumar, editors
Phenomena Beyond the Standard Model: What do we expect for New Physics to look like?
Roman Pasechnik et al. (editors)
Coordination and Cooperation in Complex Adaptive Systems: Theory and Application
Xiaojie Chen et al. (editors)
Simulating Normal and Arrhythmic Dynamics: From Sub-Cellular to Tissue and Organ Level
Hans Dierckx et al. (editors)
Recent Trends in Computational Fluid Dynamics
Muhammad Mubashir Bhatti et al. (editors)
Julien Valette et al. (editors)
The Physics Associated with Neutrino Masses
Diego Aristizabal Sierra et al. (editors)
Klimawandel in Deutschland: Entwicklung, Folgen, Risiken und Perspektiven
Guy P. Brasseur et al. (editors)
Collider Physics within the Standard Model: A Primer
Guido Altarelli and James Wells, editors
Teoria quântica: estudos históricos e implicações culturais
Olival Freire Jr. et al.
Radiation Monitoring and Dose Estimation of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident
Sentaro Takahashi (editor)