keyword: thema EDItEUR::P Mathematics and Science::PH Physics::PHD Classical mechanics::PHDY Energy – 59 free books.
These books are available in PDF format - good for desktops, printing.
Optimization and Energy Management in Smart Grids
Germano Lambert-Torres (editor)
Industrial Chain, Supply Chain and Value Chain in the Energy Industry: Opportunities and Challenges
Jiachao Peng et al. (editors)
Thermal Evaluation of Indoor Climate and Energy Storage in Buildings
Shailendra Kumar Shukla (editor)
Chemical and Biochemical Processes for Energy Sources
Venko N. Beschkov and Konstantin Petrov, editors
Green Hydrogen Production by Water Electrolysis
Junbo Hou and Min Yang, editors
Chiara Martini and Claudia Toro, editors
Advanced Functional Nanostructured Films and Coatings for Energy Applications
Gianfranco Carotenuto (editor)
Zayre Ivonne González Acevedo and Marco Antonio García Zarate, editors