keyword: thema EDItEUR::P Mathematics and Science::PN Chemistry::PNK Inorganic chemistry – 27 free books.
Recent Advances in Processing Technologies for Substance Extraction, Separation, and Enrichment
Yanlin Zhang and Prashant K. Sarswat, editors
Laura C. J. Pereira and Dulce Belo, editors
Paraskevas D. Tzanavaras and Victoria Samanidou, editors
Advances Research of Volatile Compounds, Composition, Stability and Thermal Behavior of Foods
Thomas Dippong (editor)
Symmetry (Group Theory) and Mathematical Treatment in Chemistry
Takashiro Akitsu (editor)
Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry Researches of Metal Compounds
Takashiro Akitsu (editor)
Carbon Dioxide Chemistry, Capture and Oil Recovery
Iyad Karamé et al. (editors)
Future Perspectives in Nanostructured Materials Preparation, Characteristics and Applications
Thomas Dippong (editor)
Properties and Applications of Biomaterials Related to Gels
Shige Wang (editor)
Catalytic Methods for the Synthesis of Carbon Nanodots and Their Applications
Indra Neel Pulidindi et al. (editors)
29th Annual Conference of the German Crystallographic Society, March 15–18, 2021, Hamburg, Germany
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron-DESY