keyword: trade-off – 12 free books.
These books are not included in Project Gutenberg.
Advances of Heat Transfer in Porous Media
Moghtada Mobedi and Kamel Hooman, editors
Forests as Nature-Based Solutions: Ecosystem Services, Multiple Benefits and Trade-Offs
Elisabetta Salvatori and Giacomo Pallante, editors
New Approaches in Social, Environmental Management and Policy to Address SDGs
Margarita Martinez-Nuñez and Mª Pilar Latorre-Martínez, editors
Plant Viruses: From Ecology to Control
Jesús Navas Castillo and Elvira Fiallo-Olivé, editors
Applications of Remote Sensing Data in Mapping of Forest Growing Stock and Biomass
José Aranha (editor)
Future Oceans Under Multiple Stressors: from Global Change to Anthropogenic Impact
Erik Olsen et al. (editors)
Current Advances in Meat Nutritional, Sensory and Physical Quality Improvement
Mohammed Gagaoua and Brigitte Picard
Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation (open Access)
Kate Schreckenberg et al. (editors)