keyword: turning – 9 free books.
Advances in Micro and Nano Manufacturing: Process Modeling and Applications
Davide Masato and Giovanni Lucchetta, editors
Metal Machining—Recent Advances, Applications and Challenges
Francisco J. G. Silva (editor)
Special Issue of the Manufacturing Engineering Society (MES)
Eva M. Rubio and Ana M. Camacho, editors
Special Issue of the Manufacturing Engineering Society (MES)
Eva M. Rubio and Ana M. Camacho, editors
Biomechanics Energetics of Natural Assisted Human Comparative Movement Locomotion
Luca Paolo Ardigo (editor)
New Industry 4.0 Advances in Industrial IoT and Visual Computing for Manufacturing Processes
Luis Norberto López de Lacalle and Jorge Posada
Machining—Recent Advances, Applications and Challenges
Luis Norberto L´opez de Lacalle and Gorka Urbicain