

keyword: urban metabolism – 5 free books.

doab These books are included in the Directory of Open Access Books. This means that they have been peer-reviewed and are of interest to scholars.

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Biomimetic Buildings: Copying Nature for Energy Efficiency

Negin Imani and Brenda Vale, editors

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Negin Imani and Brenda Vale, editors

Construction and Demolition Waste: Challenges and Opportunities

Anibal C. Maury-Ramirez and Jaime A Mesa, editors

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Anibal C. Maury-Ramirez and Jaime A Mesa, editors

Sustainable Energy Systems: Efficiency and Optimization

Alan Brent and Toshihiko Nakata, editors

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Alan Brent and Toshihiko Nakata, editors

New Approaches in Social, Environmental Management and Policy to Address SDGs

Margarita Martinez-Nuñez and Mª Pilar Latorre-Martínez, editors

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Margarita Martinez-Nuñez and Mª Pilar Latorre-Martínez, editors

Planning, Development and Management of Sustainable Cities

Tan Yigitcanlar and Md. (Liton) Kamruzzaman

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Tan Yigitcanlar and Md. (Liton) Kamruzzaman