keyword: urban scale – 9 free books.
These books are included in the Directory of Open Access Books. This means that they have been peer-reviewed and are of interest to scholars.
Reflecting on the Future of the Built Environment
Elizelle Juanee Cilliers and Sarel Cilliers, editors
High Performance Computing Serving Atmospheric Transport & Dispersion Modelling
Patrick Armand (editor)
Air Pollution Modelling: Local-, Regional-, and Global-Scale Application
Syuichi Itahashi (editor)
Benedetto Nastasi and Francesco Mancini, editors
Indoor Air Quality: From Sampling to Risk Assessment in the Light of New Legislations
Pasquale Avino and Gaetano Settimo, editors
Evaluation of Energy Efficiency and Flexibility in Smart Buildings
Alessia Arteconi (editor)
Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing in China – In Memory of Prof. Xiaowen Li
Jiancheng Shi et al.
Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing in China – In Memory of Prof. Xiaowen Li
Jiancheng Shi et al.