History, culture, and religion of the Hellenistic Age
Helmut Koester
Campaign coming soon!
The young Dostoevsky: (1846 - 1849) ; a critical study
Victor Terras
Campaign coming soon!
Language and Thought: German Approaches to Analytic Philosophy in the 18th and 19th Centuries
Hermann J. Cloeren
Campaign coming soon!
Tibetan Religious Dances: Tibetan text and annotated translation of the 'chams yig'
René de Nebresky-Wojkowitz
Campaign coming soon!
Language and Power in the Creation of the USSR, 1917-1953
Michael G. Smith
Campaign coming soon!
The International Game of Power: Past, Present and Future
Peter Bernholz
Campaign coming soon!
Campaign coming soon!
Hans Reichenbach's Philosophy of Grammar
William E. McMahon
Campaign coming soon!
Campaign coming soon!
Perspectives on the Emergence of Scientific Disciplines
Gerard Lemaine, Michael Mulkay, Peter Weingart, Roy Macleod (eds)
Campaign coming soon!