Strange Science: Investigating the Limits of Knowledge in the Victorian Age
Lara Pauline Karpenko and Shalyn Rae Claggett, editors
Computational and Inferential Thinking: The Foundations of Data Science
Ani Adhikari and John DeNero
Rewrite the Racial Rules: Building an Inclusive American Economy
Andrea Flynn et al.
Security in a Small Nation: Scotland, Democracy, Politics
Andrew W. Neal (editor)
Who Will Be the Next President?: A Guide to the U.S. Presidential Election System
Alexander S. Belenky
Ancient Terracottas from South Italy and Sicily in the J. Paul Getty Museum
Maria Lucia Ferruzza
Educação e Tecnologia: abordagens críticas
Giselle Martins dos Santos Ferreira et al. (editors)
thoughtRave: An Interdimensional Conversation with Lady Gaga
Robert Craig Baum et al.