Early Science Education – Goals and Process-Related Quality Criteria for Science Teaching
"Haus der kleinen Forscher" Foundation and Stiftung "Haus der kleinen Forscher"
Economic Competence and Financial Literacy of Young Adults
Eveline Wuttke et al.
Qualitative Analysis and Documentary Method in International Educational Research
Ralf Bohnsack et al.
The Service User as a Partner in Social Work Projects and Education
Emanuela Chiapparini
Experiences of Intervention Against Violence
Carol Hagemann-White and Bianca Grafe
Disziplingeschichte der Erziehungswissenschaft als Geschlechtergeschichte
Edith Glaser and Sabine Andresen
Geschlechtertypisierungen im Kontext von Familie und Schule
Sabine Andresen and Rendtorff Barbara
Violence against Women and Ethnicity: Commonalities and Differences across Europe
Monika Schröttle et al.