keyword: Careers guidance – 37 free books.
Photographic Elicitation and Narration in Teachers Education and Development
Antonio Bautista García-Vera (editor)
Building Agricultural Extension Capacity in Post-Conflict Settings
Paul McNamara and Austen Moore
Gender-responsive Researchers Equipped for Agricultural Transformation
Margaret Najjingo Mangheni and Hale Ann Tufan, editors
Career and Career Guidance in the Nordic Countries
Erik Hagaseth Haug et al. (editors)
Learning to Diagnose with Simulations : Examples from Teacher Education and Medical Education
Frank Fischer and Ansgar Opitz, editors
Life Skills Education for Youth
Joan DeJaeghere and Erin Murphy-Graham, editors
Skills Development for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in Developing Asia-Pacific
Rupert Maclean et al. (editors)
Powering a Learning Society During an Age of Disruption
Sungsup Ra et al. (editors)
Anticipating and Preparing for Emerging Skills and Jobs
Brajesh Panth and Rupert Maclean
Applied Pedagogies for Higher Education: Real World Learning and Innovation across the Curriculum
Dawn A. Morley and Md Golam Jamil, editors
Cultivating Teacher Resilience: International Approaches, Applications and Impact
Caroline F. Mansfield (editor)
Collaborative Curriculum Design for Sustainable Innovation and Teacher Learning
Natalie Pareja Roblin et al.