keyword: Cooperation – 70 free books.
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Microgrids/Nanogrids Implementation, Planning, and Operation
Mohamed Benbouzid and S. M. Muyeen, editors
Critical Dictionary on Borders, Cross-Border Cooperation and European Integration
Bernard REITEL and Birte Wassenberg, editors
Luigi Mastronardi and Luca Romagnoli, editors
Eastern and Western Ideas for African Growth
Kenichi Ohno and Izumi Ohno, editors
Adoración Mozas Moral and Domingo Fernandez Ucles, editors
Le social à l’épreuve des valeurs, d’un Pays Basque à l’autre
Jean-Jacques Manterola
Maillages, interfaces, réseaux transfrontaliers, de nouveaux enjeux territoriaux de la santé
Moullé François and Bernard REITEL, editors
Managing Water Resources in Large River Basins
William Young and Nagaraja Rao Harshadeep, editors
Inklusion im Spannungsfeld von Normalität und Diversität
Marie Esefeld et al. (editors)
Motonori Yamaguchi et al. (editors)
Coordination and Cooperation in Complex Adaptive Systems: Theory and Application
Xiaojie Chen et al. (editors)
Spielen, Lernen, Arbeiten in Lernwerkstätten
Ulrike Stadler-Altmann et al. (editors)