keyword: Embodied Cognition – 18 free books.
These books are available in EPUB format - good for Kindle, iBooks, Nook, Kobo.
Herman Melville and Neurodiversity, or Why Hunt Difference with Harpoons?
Pilar Martinez Benedi and Ralph James Savarese
Brain-Behaviour Interfaces in Linguistic Communication
Yury Y. Shtyrov et al. (editors)
Beyond Embodied Cognition: Intentionality, Affordance, and Environmental Adaptation
Zheng Jin et al. (editors)
Reaching to Grasp Cognition: Analyzing Motor Behavior to Investigate Social Interactions
Claudia Gianelli and Maurizio Gentilucci
Embodied Cognition over the Lifespan and in Applied Settings
Annalisa Setti and Anna M. Borghi
Human Computer Confluence. Transforming Human Experience Through Symbiotic Technologies
Andrea Gaggioli et al.
Dynamics of Sensorimotor Interactions in Embodied Cognition
Lionel Brunel et al.
Evolutionary Theory: Fringe or Central to Psychological Science
Danielle Sulikowski
What can we make of theories of embodiment and the role of the human mirror neuron system?
Analia Arevalo et al.
Value and Reward Based Learning in Neurobots
Jeffrey L Krichmar and Florian Röhrbein
Towards embodied artificial cognition: TIME is on my side
Michail Maniadakis et al.
Towards a New Cognitive Neuroscience: Modeling Natural Brain Dynamics
Klaus Gramann et al.
Taking a hands-on approach: Current perspectives on the effect of hand position on vision
Philip Tseng and Christopher Davoli