keyword: Empowerment – 41 free books.
These books are available in PDF format - good for desktops, printing.
Gender-responsive Researchers Equipped for Agricultural Transformation
Margaret Najjingo Mangheni and Hale Ann Tufan, editors
Marie-Luise Dierks et al. (editors)
Shameran Slewa-Younan and Greg Armstrong, editors
Personalized Care and Treatment Compliance in Chronic Conditions
Fábio Teixeira et al. (editors)
Real World Learning in Outdoor Environmental Education Programs
Jan Činčera et al. (editors)
Laura Elisabet Gomez Sanchez (editor)
Knowledge Management, Trust and Communication in the Era of Social Media
Joanna Paliszkiewicz (editor)
Barbara Langes et al.
La valutazione del tutorato formativo per gli studenti universitari
Renata Clerici et al.