keyword: HPLC-MS – 9 free books.
All these books are free to read: either they're distributed with a free license, or they're in the public domain.
Multi-Functional Collagen-Based Biomaterials for Biomedical Applications
Nunzia Gallo et al. (editors)
Michela Verni and Federico Casanova, editors
Phenolic Compounds: Extraction, Optimization, Identification and Applications in Food Industry
Ibrahim M. Abu-Reidah and Amani Taamalli, editors
Isolation and Identification of Bioactive Secondary Metabolites
Ana Maria Loureiro da Seca and Antoaneta Trendafilova, editors
Characterization of Bioactive Compounds in Foods and Plants Using Advanced Analytical Techniques
Marina Russo and Francesco Cacciola, editors
Biochemical and Nutritional Changes during Food Processing and Storage
Vibeke Orlien and Research Scientist Bolumar, editors