keyword: Head and Neck Cancer – 32 free books.
Valentin Titus Grigorean and Daniel Alin Cristian, editors
Nutritional Status and Interventions for Patients with Cancer
Nuno Borges et al. (editors)
Cavitation-Enhanced Drug Delivery and Immunotherapy
Brandon Helfield et al. (editors)
Impact of COVID-19 on the Dental Community
Hans-Peter Howaldt and Sameh Attia, editors
Evidence-Based Diagnosis and Management of Facial Nerve Disorders
Gerd Fabian Volk et al. (editors)
Multidisciplinary Approach to Oral Cancer: The Way to Improve Expectancy and Quality of Life
Carlo Lajolo et al. (editors)
Pathogenesis and Therapy of Oral Carcinogenesis
Marko Tarle and Ivica Lukšić, editors
The Ins and Outs of miRNAs as Biomarkers
Giuseppe Iacomino and Fabio Lauria, editors
Inequalities in Health and Healthcare
Jessica Sheringham and Sarah Sowden, editors
Humanistic Approaches to Medical Practice
Beatrice Gabriela Ioan and Magdalena Iorga, editors
Eduard Preis et al. (editors)
The Shaping of Cancer by the Tumour Microenvironment and Its Relevance for Cancer Therapy
Patrícia Alexandra Saraiva Madureira (editor)
Radiation Response Biomarkers for Individualised Cancer Treatments
Christophe Badie and Eric Andreas Rutten, editors
Olgun Elicin et al. (editors)
Advances in Head and Neck Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy
Rasha Abu-Eid and John E. Janik, editors