keyword: Interdisciplinary Studies – 143 free books.
These books are included in the Directory of Open Access Books. This means that they have been peer-reviewed and are of interest to scholars.
Gender und Diversity in Natur-, Technik- und Planungswissenschaften
Sahra Dornick and Petra Lucht, editors
Praxishandbuch Wissenschaftliche Bibliothekar:innen
Wilfried Sühl-Strohmenger and Inka Tappenbeck, editors
Die kommunikative Konstruktion von Normalitäten in der Medizin
Nathalie Bauer et al. (editors)
Geschichtsschreibung in der Emigration
Birte Meinschien (Author) and German Historical Institute London (editor)
Matthias Oppermann (Author) and German Historical Institute (editor)
Julia Crispin (Author) and German Historical Institute London (editor)
Das ländliche Japan zwischen Idylle und Verfall
Ludgera / Sieland Lewerich (editor)
Transferwissenschaften: Mode oder Mehrwert?
Konstantin S. Kiprijanov et al. (editors)