keyword: K-Means – 17 free books.
These books are available in PDF format - good for desktops, printing.
Statistical Data Modeling and Machine Learning with Applications II
Snezhana Gocheva-Ilieva et al. (editors)
Alternative Sources of Energy Modeling, Automation, Optimal Planning and Operation
George S. Stavrakakis (editor)
Advances in Remote Sensing of Postfire Environmental Damage and Recovery Dynamics
Alfonso Fernández-Manso and Carmen Quintano, editors
The 8th International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting
Ignacio Rojas et al. (editors)
Teachers Matter Improving Recruitment, Retention and Development of Teachers
Beng Huat See and Rebecca Morris, editors
Renewable and Sustainable Energy: Current State and Prospects
Bartlomiej Iglinski and Michał Bernard Pietrzak, editors
Machine Learning and Data Mining Applications in Power Systems
Zbigniew Leonowicz and Michał Jasiński, editors
Florentin Smarandache and Yanhui Guo, editors
Recent Advances in Indoor Localization Systems and Technologies
Gyula Simon and László Sujbert, editors
Sensing and Signal Processing in Smart Healthcare
Wenbing Zhao and Srinivas Sampalli, editors
Grid-to-Vehicle (G2V) and Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Technologies
Sekyung Han and Moses Amoasi Acquah, editors
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Techniques and Applications
Fabio Bovenga (editor)