keyword: Large eddy simulation – 19 free books.
These books are available in PDF format - good for desktops, printing.
Atmospheric Boundary Layer Processes, Characteristics and Parameterization
Yubin Li and Jie Tang, editors
Flow Control, Active and Passive Applications
Josep Maria Bergadà and Gabriel Bugeda Castelltort, editors
Processing and Conversion of Oil and Gas: Modeling, Control, Simulation and Optimization
Jean-Claude Assaf (editor)
High Performance Computing Serving Atmospheric Transport & Dispersion Modelling
Patrick Armand (editor)
Metallurgical Process Simulation and Optimization
Qing Liu and Jiangshan Zhang, editors
Air Pollution Modelling: Local-, Regional-, and Global-Scale Application
Syuichi Itahashi (editor)
CFD Based Researches and Applications for Fluid Machinery and Fluid Device
Jin-Hyuk Kim et al. (editors)
Aeroacustic and Vibroacoustic Advancement in Aerospace and Automotive Systems
Roberto Citarella et al. (editors)
Advances in Hydraulics and Hydroinformatics Volume 2
Jianguo Zhou et al. (editors)
Internal Combustion Engines Improving Performance, Fuel Economy and Emissions
Federico Millo and Lucio Postrioti, editors
Computational Aerodynamic Modeling of Aerospace Vehicles
Karl Jenkins and Mehdi Ghoreyshi
Turbulence: Numerical Analysis, Modelling and Simulation
William Layton (editor)