keyword: Library & information sciences – 168 free books.
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Grey Literature in Library and Information Studies
Dominic John Farace and Joachim Schöpfel
Laying the Foundation: Digital Humanities in Academic Libraries
John W. White and Heather Gilbert, editors
Humanities and Big Data in Ibero-America
Ana Gallego Cuiñas and Daniel Torres-Salinas, editors
Private Libraries and their Documentation, 1665–1830
Rindert Jagersma et al. (editors)
Praxishandbuch Wissenschaftliche Bibliothekar:innen
Wilfried Sühl-Strohmenger and Inka Tappenbeck, editors
Documenting Maritime Heritage at Risk
Elizabeth Shotton and Oriel Prizeman, editors
Theological Libraries and Library Associations in Europe
Leo Kenis et al. (editors)
L’organizzazione delle biblioteche
Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan (Author) and Carlo Bianchini (editor)