keyword: Management – 200 free books.
Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education
Sandra Raquel Gonçalves Fernandes et al. (editors)
Land Modifications and Impacts on Coastal Areas
Pietro Aucelli et al. (editors)
Technology and Management Applied in Construction Engineering Projects
Mariusz Szóstak et al. (editors)
Disasters Preparedness and Emergency Response: Prevention, Surveillance and Mitigation Planning
Mariusz Goniewicz (editor)
Risk in Sports and Challenges for Sports Organizations
Hannes Winner et al. (editors)
How to Manage Migratory Pests and Potential Food Crises
Michel Lecoq and Arianne Cease, editors
Classification of Lymphomas and Hematological Neoplasia in the Era of Genomic Research
Alina Nicolae and Antonino Carbone, editors
Martina Skrubbeltrang Mahnke and Mikka Nielsen, editors