keyword: Mass Spectrometry – 125 free books.
These books are not included in Project Gutenberg.
Application of Analytical Chemistry to Foods and Food Technology
Daniele Naviglio and Monica Gallo, editors
Application of LC-MS/MS in the Mycotoxins Studies
Laura Gámiz-Gracia et al. (editors)
Sample Preparation in Metabolomics
Julia Kuligowski and Guillermo Quintás, editors
Chromatin, Epigenetics and Plant Physiology
Jiří Fajkus and Miloslava Fojtová, editors
Metabolism and Metabolomics of Liver in Health and Disease
Walter Wahli and Hervé Guillou, editors
Marine Bioactive Natural Product Studies—A Southern Hemisphere Perspective
Sylvia Urban (editor)
Fate of Free, “Masked” and Conjugated/Modified forms of Mycotoxins
Michele Suman (editor)
Molecular Genetics, Genomics and Biotechnology of Crop Plants Breeding
Søren K. Rasmussen