keyword: Multicultural education – 31 free books.
These books are available in PDF format - good for desktops, printing.
Peace Education, Religious Discourse, and Scientific Enquiry
Jarosław Michalski and Monika Wolińska, editors
Partnership-Based Governance and Standardization of Vocational Teacher Education in Ukraine
Thomas Deißinger and Oksana Melnyk, editors
Religion, Education, Science and Technology towards a More Inclusive and Sustainable Future
Maila D.H. Rahiem (editor)
Educating for Peace through Countering Violence
Candice C. Carter and Raj Kumar Dhungana, editors
Black Women Navigating the Doctoral Journey
Sharon Fries-Britt and Bridget Turner Kelly, editors
The Making of Teachers in the Age of Migration
Michelle Proyer et al. (editors)
Razvijanje medkulturne zmožnosti pri učiteljih in učencih
Klara Kožar Rosulnik et al.
Lo sviluppo della competenza interculturale degli insegnanti e degli allievi
Klara Kožar Rosulnik et al.