keyword: Positive Psychology – 21 free books.
Handbook of Positive Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality
Edward B. Davis et al. (editors)
Handbook of Positive Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality
Edward B. Davis et al. (editors)
Positive Technology: Designing E-experiences for Positive Change
Andrea Gaggioli et al. (editors)
Well-Being of School Teachers in Their Work Environment
Caterina Fiorilli et al. (editors)
Positive Education: Theory, Practice, and Evidence
Wenjie Duan and Samuel Mun-yin Ho, editors
Resilience Resources in Chronic Pain Patients: The Path to Adaptation, 2nd Edition
Carmen Ramírez-Maestre et al. (editors)
Positive Psychology and Learning a Second or Third Language
Amado M. Padilla et al. (editors)
The Palgrave Handbook of Positive Education
Margaret L. Kern and Michael L. Wehmeyer, editors
Gamification and Advanced Technology to Enhance Motivation in Education
Faraón Llorens-Largo and Rafael Molina-Carmona, editors
Cultivating Teacher Resilience: International Approaches, Applications and Impact
Caroline F. Mansfield (editor)
P5 eHealth: An Agenda for the Health Technologies of the Future
Gabriella Pravettoni and Stefano Triberti