keyword: Reconstruction – 38 free books.
Situating Eurasia in Antiquity: Nomadic Material Culture in the First Millennium BCE
Caspar Meyer (editor)
International Conference Wood Science and Engineering in the Third Millennium - ICWSE 2023
Lidia Gurau et al. (editors)
Deep Learning Architecture and Applications
Xiang Zhang and Xiaoxiao Li, editors
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Personalized Medicine
Andreas Arkudas and Raymund Horch, editors
Emerging Techniques in Imaging, Modelling and Visualization for Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy
Mihaela Pop and Cristian A. Linte, editors
Sabina Porfido et al. (editors)
Shoulder Arthroplasty: State of the Art and Future Perspectives
Markus Scheibel et al. (editors)
Atlas Kriegsschadenskarten Deutschland
Carmen M. Enss and Birgit Knauer, editors
Intelligent Sensors for Human Motion Analysis
Tomasz Krzeszowski et al. (editors)
Un panno medievale dell’azienda pratese di Francesco Datini
Daniela Degl’Innocenti and Giampiero Nigro, editors
Catalytic Applications of Clay Minerals and Hydrotalcites
Juan Cecilia and Carmen Pilar Jiménez Gómez, editors