keyword: Social impact – 13 free books.
First Nations Australian Theatre for Health Equity
Sarah Woodland and Kamarra Bell-Wykes
Entrepreneurial Education Strengthening Resilience, Societal Change and Sustainability
Jaana Seikkula-Leino et al. (editors)
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods
Charles Vincent et al.
Role of Impact Assessment in Sustainable Development
Paolo Biancone and Silvana Secinaro, editors
Enhancement of Public Real-estate Assets and Cultural Heritage
Lucia Della Spina and Francesco Calabrò, editors
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods
Charles Vincent et al.
Big Data Research for Social Sciences and Social Impact
Miltiadis D. Lytras et al.