keyword: Space Syntax – 11 free books.
Suburban Urbanities: Suburbs and the Life of the High Street
Laura Vaughan et al. (editors)
Sustainable City Planning and Development: Transport and Land Use
Linchuan Yang et al. (editors)
The Covert Life of Hospital Architecture
Julie Zook and Kerstin Sailer, editors
Computational Analytical Methods for Buildings and Cities: Space Syntax and Shape Grammar
Michael J. Ostwald and Ju Hyun Lee, editors
Architectural, Civil, and Infrastructure Engineering in View of Sustainability
Oleg Kapliński et al. (editors)
Architecture: Integration of Art and Engineering
Oleg Kapliński et al. (editors)
Towards a Sustainable Life: Smart and Green Design in Buildings and Community
Mi Jeong Kim and Han Jong Jun, editors
Introduction to Space Syntax in Urban Studies
Akkelies van Nes and Claudia Yamu