keyword: Stainless Steel – 34 free books.
These books are not included in Project Gutenberg.
Finishing Operations to Enhance Surface Integrity of Parts
Gilles Dessein and J. Antonio Travieso-Rodriguez, editors
Investigation of Microstructural and Corrosion Properties of Steels and Light Alloys
Claudio Gennari and Luca Pezzato, editors
Emerging Materials for Additive Manufacturing
Swee Leong Sing and Wai Yee Yeong, editors
Metallurgical Process Simulation and Optimization
Qing Liu and Jiangshan Zhang, editors
Giovanni Bruno and Christiane Maierhofer, editors
New Insights on Biofilm Antimicrobial Strategies, 2nd Volume
Luís Melo and Andreia S. Azevedo, editors
Sustainable Structural Design for High-Performance Buildings and Infrastructures
Chiara Bedon et al. (editors)
Elwira Sieniawska et al. (editors)
Verbesserungen beim Laserschneiden mit Methoden des maschinellen Lernens
Leonie Felica Tatzel
Metal Machining—Recent Advances, Applications and Challenges
Francisco J. G. Silva (editor)
Metal Additive Manufacturing – State of the Art 2020
Nader Asnafi (editor)
Synthesis and Characterization of Biomedical Materials
Leszek Adam Dobrzański et al. (editors)
Efstathios Giaouris et al. (editors)