keyword: Textbooks – 133 free books.
A Radically Modern Approach to Introductory Physics, Volume II
David J. Raymond
Motion Mountain - Fall, Flow and Heat: Volume I of The Adventure of Physics
Christoph Schiller
Motion Mountain - Light, Charges and Brains: Volume III of The Adventure of Physics
Christoph Schiller
Open Access for Library Schools 4: Interoperability and Retrieval
UNESCO and The Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA)
Open Access for Researchers 1: Scholarly Communications
UNESCO and The Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA)
Open Access for Researchers 2: Concepts of Openness and Open Access
UNESCO and The Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA)
Open Access for Library Schools 3: Resource Optimization
UNESCO and The Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA)
Open Access for Researchers 4: Research Evaluation Metrics
UNESCO and The Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA)
Open Access for Researchers 5: Sharing your Work in Open Access
UNESCO and The Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA)
Charles Severance (Author) and Fernando Tardío (translator)
Open Access for Library Schools 2: Open Access Infrastructure
UNESCO and The Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA)
Open Access for Researchers 3: Intellectual Property Rights
UNESCO and The Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA)
The American Yawp: A Massively Collaborative Open U.S. History Textbook, vol. I: to 1877
Joseph Locke and Ben Wright, editors