keyword: bacterial community – 17 free books.
Metagenomic Analysis for Unveiling Agricultural Microbiome
Yong-Xin Liu and Peng Yu, editors
Insights into Antibiotics in Human, Animal, and Agriculture: Resistance, Determinant, and Treatment
Anusak Kerdsin et al. (editors)
Soil Degradation, Soil Pollution and Ecological Restoration
Bo Sun et al. (editors)
Plant Adaptation to Extreme Environments in Drylands
Xiao-Dong Yang et al. (editors)
Carbon and Nutrient Transfer via Above and Belowground Litter in Forests
Fuzhong Wu et al. (editors)
Diversity, Interaction and Bioprospecting of Plant-Associated Microbiomes
Milko A. Jorquera and Jacquelinne Acuña, editors
Advances in Microbial Fermentation Processes
Maria Tufariello and Francesco Grieco, editors
New Advances on Nutrients Recovery from Agro-Industrial and Livestock Wastes for Sustainable Farming
Mirko Cucina and Luca Regni, editors
Advancing Knowledge on Cyanobacterial Blooms in Freshwaters
Konstantinos Ar. Kormas and Elisabeth Vardaka, editors
Disturbance Effects on Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Forest Ecosystems
Scott X. Chang and Yanjiang Cai
Dinophysis Toxins: Distribution, Fate in Shellfish and Impacts
Beatriz Reguera and Juan C. Blanco
Environmental Fate of Emerging Organic Micro-Contaminants
Peter S. Hooda and John Wilkinson
Antimicrobial Resistance in Environmental Waters
Karina Yew-Hoong Gin and Charmaine Ng