keyword: dielectric properties – 19 free books.
These books are available in PDF format - good for desktops, printing.
Recent Advances in the Development of Thin Films
Zohra Benzarti and Ali Khalfallah, editors
Applications of Radio Frequency Heating in Food Processing
Shaojin Wang and Rui Li, editors
Selected Papers from 2020 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering (ICHVE 2020)
Issouf Fofana and Bo Zhang, editors
Bio-Based Materials: Contribution to Advancing Circular Economy
Maya Jacob John and Sabu Thomas, editors
Synthesis, Processing, Structure and Properties of Polymer Materials
Andrzej Puszka and Beata Podkościelna, editors
Rheology and Processing of Polymers
Khalid Lamnawar and Abderrahim Maazouz, editors
Selected Papers from the 1st International Electronic Conference on Biosensors (IECB 2020)
Giovanna Marrazza and Sara Tombelli, editors
Raghvendra Singh Yadav et al. (editors)
Application of Novel Thermal Technology in Foods Processing
Indrawati Oey and Sze Ying Leong, editors
Filter Design Solutions for RF systems
Vincenzo Stornelli and Leonardo Pantoli, editors
Functional Polymers in Sensors and Actuators: Fabrication and Analysis
Akif Kaynak and Ali Zolfagharian, editors
Electromagnetic Technologies for Medical Diagnostics
Lorenzo Crocco and Panos Kosmas