keyword: digestibility – 13 free books.
These books are included in the Directory of Open Access Books. This means that they have been peer-reviewed and are of interest to scholars.
Research on the Properties of Polysaccharides, Starch, Protein, Pectin, and Fibre in Food Processing
Jianhua Xie et al. (editors)
Recent Advances in Poultry Nutrition and Production
Natalie Morgan and Youssef A. Attia, editors
Applications of Radio Frequency Heating in Food Processing
Shaojin Wang and Rui Li, editors
Emerging Protein Sources for Food Production and Human Nutrition
Przemyslaw Lukasz Kowalczewski et al. (editors)
Nanotechnology in Animal Science
Antonio Gonzalez-Bulnes and Nesrein M. Hashem, editors
Safety and Efficacy of Feed Additives in Animal Production
Lubomira Gresakova and Emilio Sabia, editors
Chemical and Technological Characterization of Dairy Products
Michele Faccia (editor)
Biochemical and Nutritional Changes during Food Processing and Storage
Vibeke Orlien and Research Scientist Bolumar, editors
Extractable and Non-Extractable Antioxidants
Alessandra Durazzo and Massimo Lucarini