keyword: discrete element method – 26 free books.
Advanced Digital, Modeling and Control Applies into Various Processes
Rudolf Kawalla and Beloglazov Ilya, editors
Oil and Gas Well Engineering Measurement and Control
Tianshou Ma and Yuqiang Xu, editors
Current Problems and Advances in Computational and Applied Mechanics
Sebastian Skatulla (editor)
Disaster Mitigation, Risk Reduction, and Resilience Design of Engineering Structures
Liqiang Jiang et al. (editors)
Advances in Agricultural Engineering Technologies and Application
Muhammad Sultan et al. (editors)
Advances in Agricultural Engineering Technologies and Application
Muhammad Sultan et al. (editors)
Shaofeng Wang et al. (editors)
Experimental Testing and Constitutive Modelling of Pavement Materials
Xueyan Liu et al. (editors)
Testing of Materials and Elements in Civil Engineering (2nd Edition)
Krzysztof Schabowicz (editor)
Testing of Materials and Elements in Civil Engineering (2nd Edition)
Krzysztof Schabowicz (editor)
Design and Application of Agricultural Equipment in Tillage System
Mustafa Ucgul and Chung-Liang Chang, editors
Processing and Conversion of Oil and Gas: Modeling, Control, Simulation and Optimization
Jean-Claude Assaf (editor)
Modelling, Monitoring, Control and Optimization for Complex Industrial Processes
Zhiwei Gao (editor)
Thermal-Hydraulics in Nuclear Fusion Technology: R&D and Applications
Alessandro Del Nevo and Marica Eboli, editors
Process Modeling in Pyrometallurgical Engineering
Henrik Saxen et al. (editors)