keyword: high temperatures – 6 free books.
These books are not included in Project Gutenberg.
Metal-Based Composite Materials: Preparation, Structure, Properties, and Applications
Andrey Suzdaltsev and Oksana Rakhmanova, editors
High-Pressure Physical and Chemical Behaviors of Minerals and Rocks
Lidong Dai et al. (editors)
Worldwide Evaluations of Quinoa—Biodiversity and Food Security under Climate Change Pressures
Cataldo Pulvento and Didier Bazile, editors
Performance-Based Design in Structural Fire Engineering
Maged A. Youssef (editor)
New Frontiers in Cementitious and Lime-Based Materials and Composites
Cesare Signorini et al. (editors)
Molecular Mechanisms and Genetics of Plant Resistance to Abiotic Stress
Jill M. Farrant and Maria-Cecília D. Costa