keyword: intercultural education – 12 free books.
These books are included in the Directory of Open Access Books. This means that they have been peer-reviewed and are of interest to scholars.
Educación intercultural desde el pensamiento decolonial. Resistencias y desafíos
Francisco Gárate Vergara and Cláudia Battestin, editors
Is Online Technology the Hope in Uncertain Times for Higher Education?
Anthony G. Picciano (editor)
Educación Intercultural y Políticas Públicas en América Latina
Victor Díaz Esteves
Intercultural Theology vis-à-vis Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue
Francis-Vincent Anthony (editor)
Respecting the Voices of Individuals from Marginalised Communities in Research
Michael Shevlin and Richard Rose, editors
Intercultural Dialogue in the European Education Policies: A Conceptual Approach
Tuuli Lähdesmäki et al.
Visions for Intercultural Music Teacher Education
Heidi Westerlund et al. (editors)