keyword: keratinocytes – 16 free books.
Diabetic Foot Complications: Current Challenges and Future Prospects—Part II
José Luis Lázaro-Martínez and Luigi Uccioli, editors
Atopic Dermatitis: Research and Clinical Updates and Perspectives
Stamatis Gregoriou (editor)
The Role of Toll-Like Receptors (TLR) in Infection and Inflammation
Ralf Kircheis and Oliver Planz, editors
Natural and Synthetic Bioactives for Skin Health, Disease and Management
Jean Christopher Chamcheu et al. (editors)
A Meeting of Minds: In Recognition of the Contributions of Randall J. Cohrs
Charles Grose et al. (editors)
Chromatography-the Ultimate Analytical Tool
Victoria Samanidou and Natasa Kalogiouri, editors
New Mechanisms of Action of Natural Antioxidants in Health and Disease
Cristina Angeloni and Silvana Hrelia, editors
From Natural Polyphenols to Synthetic Bioactive Analogues
Corrado Tringali (editor)
Anti-Photoagaing and Photo-Protective Compounds from Marine Organisms
Kyung-Hoon Shin and Se-Kwon Kim
Chemical Biology of Sterols, Triterpenoids and Other Natural Products
Wenxu Zhou and De-an Guo