keyword: optimisation – 33 free books.
Current Problems and Advances in Computational and Applied Mechanics
Sebastian Skatulla (editor)
Intelligent Forecasting and Optimization in Electrical Power Systems
Paweł Piotrowski et al. (editors)
12th EASN International Conference on Innovation in Aviation & Space for Opening New Horizons
Spiros Pantelakis et al. (editors)
Architectural, Civil, and Infrastructure Engineering in View of Sustainability
Oleg Kapliński et al. (editors)
Spiros Pantelakis et al. (editors)
Luis M. López-Ochoa and José P. Paredes-Sánchez, editors
Performance and Safety Enhancement Strategies in Vehicle Dynamics and Ground Contact
Flavio Farroni et al. (editors)
Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of Advanced Alloys
Marián Palcut (editor)
Hrvoje Pandžić et al. (editors)
Alternative Fuels and Their Application to Combustion Engines
S M Ashrafur Rahman (editor)
Discontinuous Fiber Composites, Volume II
Tim Osswald and Christoph Kuhn, editors
Development of Alternative Green Sample Preparation Techniques
Emanuela Gionfriddo (editor)
Optimization Methods Applied to Power Systems Ⅱ
Francisco G. Montoya and Raúl Baños Navarro, editors