keyword: pollutant – 8 free books.
These books are available in PDF format - good for desktops, printing.
Chromatographic Analysis of Pesticide in Environmental and Food
Miguel Ángel González-Curbelo (editor)
Shaofeng Wang et al. (editors)
Prospects and Challenges of Bioeconomy Sustainability Assessment
Idiano D'Adamo and Massimo Gastaldi, editors
Urban Design Guidelines for Climate Change
Hideki Takebayashi and Jihui Yuan, editors
Photocatalytic Processes for Environmental Applications
Olivier Monfort and Yanlin Wu, editors
Environmental Factors Shaping the Soil Microbiome
Tongmin Sa and Rangasamy Anandham, editors
Advanced Intelligent Control through Versatile Intelligent Portable Platforms
Luige Vladareanu (editor)