keyword: recognition – 30 free books.
Bélarus : une douloureuse quête démocratique
Olga GILLE-BELOVA and Hugo Flavier, editors
The Western Sahara Question and International Law
Stephen Allen and Jamie Trinidad
Robots and Autonomous Machines for Agriculture Production
Jin Yuan et al. (editors)
Feminist Care Ethics Confronts Mainstream Philosophy
Maurice Hamington and Maggie FitzGerald, editors
Intelligent Sensors for Human Motion Analysis
Tomasz Krzeszowski et al. (editors)
Recognizing Microexpression: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
Xunbing Shen et al. (editors)
Advances in the Neurocognition of Music and Language
Daniela Sammler and Stefan Elmer, editors
Video-to-Video Face Recognition for Low-Quality Surveillance Data
Herrmann, Christian