keyword: reinforcement learning – 54 free books.
These books are included in the Directory of Open Access Books. This means that they have been peer-reviewed and are of interest to scholars.
Advanced Guidance and Control of Flight Vehicle: Theory and Application
Haizhao Liang et al. (editors)
Agricultural Environment and Intelligent Plant Protection Equipment
Xiongkui He et al. (editors)
Advanced Digital, Modeling and Control Applies into Various Processes
Rudolf Kawalla and Beloglazov Ilya, editors
Battery Management in Electric Vehicles: Current Status and Future Trends
Prodip K. Das (editor)
Structural and Computational-Driven Molecule Design in Drug Discovery
Halil ?brahim Ciftci et al. (editors)
Deep Learning Architecture and Applications
Xiang Zhang and Xiaoxiao Li, editors
Recent Advances in Swarm Intelligence Algorithms and Their Applications
Jian Dong (editor)
Application and Analysis in Fluid Power Systems
Paolo Casoli and Massimo Rundo, editors
Recent Advances in Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence
Yue Wu et al. (editors)
High Accuracy Detection of Mobile Malware Using Machine Learning
Suleiman Yerima (editor)
Age of Information: Concept, Metric and Tool for Network Control
Anthony Ephremides and Yin Sun, editors