keyword: remote sensing images – 10 free books.
Deep Learning and Computer Vision in Remote Sensing-II
Fahimeh Farahnakian et al. (editors)
Deep Learning and Computer Vision in Remote Sensing
Fahimeh Farahnakian et al. (editors)
Artificial Intelligence for Multisource Geospatial Information
Gloria Bordogna and Cristiano Fugazza, editors
Integrated Applications of Geo-Information in Environmental Monitoring
Weicheng Wu and Yalan Liu, editors
Deep Learning Methods for Remote Sensing
Moulay A. Akhloufi and Mozhdeh Shahbazi, editors
Oceanic Internal Waves and Internal Tides in the East Asian Marginal Seas
SungHyun Nam and Xueen Chen, editors
GIS and Remote Sensing for Renewable Energy Assessment and Maps
Benedetto Nastasi and Meysam Majidi Nezhad, editors
Smart Monitoring and Control in the Future Internet of Things
Antonio Guerrieri et al. (editors)
Remote Sensing for Target Object Detection and Identification
Gemine Vivone et al.