keyword: type 2 diabetes – 69 free books.
Exercise Evaluation and Prescription—2nd Edition
Cristina Cortis et al. (editors)
Diabetic Foot Complications: Current Challenges and Future Prospects—Part II
José Luis Lázaro-Martínez and Luigi Uccioli, editors
Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms in Oxidative Stress-Related Diseases 2.0
Rossana Morabito and Alessia Remigante, editors
Antioxidant Activity of Foods and Natural Products
José Virgílio Santulhão Pinela et al. (editors)
Advances in Legumes for Human Nutrition
Stuart Johnson and Rewati Bhattarai, editors
Research on the Properties of Polysaccharides, Starch, Protein, Pectin, and Fibre in Food Processing
Jianhua Xie et al. (editors)
Molecular Mechanisms of Bioactive Nutrients Promoting Health through Gut Microbiota
Baojun Xu (editor)
Clinical Research on Type 2 Diabetes and Its Complications
Fernando Gómez-Peralta (editor)
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease: New Treatment and Future Directions
Alfredo Caturano and Raffaele Galiero, editors
Novel Molecules in Diabetes Melitus, Dyslipidemia and Cardiovascular Disease
Cosmin Mihai Vesa and Simona Gabriela Bungau, editors
Hypothalamic Regulation of Obesity
Rosalia Rodriguez-Rodriguez and Cristina Miralpeix, editors