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Zygmunt Kruczek (editor)
Future Challenges in the Framework of Integrated and Sustainable Environmental Planning
Salvador García-Ayllón Veintimilla and Antonio Espín Tomás, editors
Agricultural and Food Systems Sustainability
Alessandro Suardi and Nadia Palmieri, editors
The 9th International Conference on Sustainable Development
Cheyenne Maddox and Lauren Barredo, editors
Sensory and Consumer Research for a Sustainable Food System
Antti Knaapila (editor)
New Strategies for Innovative and Enhanced Meat and Meat Products
Gonzalo Delgado-Pando and Tatiana Pintado, editors
Circular Economy in Low-Carbon Transition
Anna Mazzi and Jingzheng Ren, editors
Prospects for Electric Mobility: Systemic, Economic and Environmental Issues
Amela Ajanovic (editor)
Food Innovation as a Means of Developing Healthier and More Sustainable Foods
Adrián Rabadán and Rodolfo Bernabéu, editors
Sustainable Organic Agriculture for Developing Agribusiness Sector
Nikola Puvača and Vincenzo Tufarelli, editors
Sustainable Consumer Behavior and Food Marketing
Oliver Meixner et al. (editors)
Asymmetry Indexes, Behavioural Instability and the Characterization of Behavioural Patterns
Cino Pertoldi et al. (editors)