All these books are free to read: either they're distributed with a free license, or they're in the public domain.
These books are included in the Directory of Open Access Books. This means that they have been peer-reviewed and are of interest to scholars.
The Kosovo crisis and the evolution of post-Cold War European security
Paul Chester Latawski and Martin A. Smith
Security of Networks and Services in an All-Connected World
Daphne Tuncer et al.
Interface Oral Health Science 2016: Innovative Research on Biosis–Abiosis Intelligent Interface
Keiichi Sasaki et al. (editors)
Mobile Research Methods: Opportunities and challenges of mobile research methodologies
Daniele Toninelli et al. (editors)
Kathryn Piquette E. and Ruth Whitehouse D., editors
Essays in Anarchism and Religion
Alexandre Christoyannopoulos and Matthew S. Adams, editors